Research Projects

Funded under the PRIN 2022, this project aims to determine the conditions under which one can draw plausible analogical inferences ...

Funded by PRIN 2022, this project investigates from a sociocultural perspective the mainstream narratives of emerging virtual and augmented reality ...

The wide-ranging effects of climate change demand great concerted efforts for efficient and fair governance at different scales. In particular, ...

Funded by HORIZON-MSCA-PF-2021, the project addresses the inherent presence of value judgments in current integrated assessment models (IAMs) of climate ...

In the last decade, the “storyline” approach has been introduced and developed in the subfield of attribution and detection in ...

Funded by PRIN 2021, the BRIO project aims at investigating means to avoid bias, mitigate risk and overcome opacity in ...

Funded by Fondazione Cariplo, this project addresses the spread of online scientific and technological misinformation within high schools. The aim ...

this project deals with ethical and philosophical issues concerning algorithmic fairness in machine learning, which arise in connection with the ...

Funded under the H2020-MSCA-IF-2019, this project aims to investigate cultural engagements with the public health issue of sleep disorders, by ...

Funded by Fondazione Silvio Tronchetti Provera, this project aims to explore the possibility of permanently integrating the study of social ...

Funded under the PRIN 2017, this project aims to explain the epistemic value of uncertain scientific models, and how they ...

Funded under the PRIN 2017 funding scheme, this project addresses bodies of “scientific knowledge” that are excluded from the field ...

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